Daily Dose of Heaven: April 2016


Church Goers: Physically present but mentally absent?!?

Question: Have you ever experience being in the church but your mind is wandering away? If yes, how often? once in while? or every Sunday? Today I would like to point out something really important for us Christians and believers of God.  

God: "I was with you but you were not with me."

I remember one time going to the church with my mind completely thinking about something else and is so far away from where I am. But then suddenly I felt this ache in my heart, like someone literally pinch it, I look around trying to observe all the people in the congregation on that Sunday morning and wonder, if everyone aside from me is actually listening to the sermon, and if everyone aside from me is really praising God while singing, and if everyone is actually praying when they close their eyes. What if everyone's mind is also somewhere else not here. Then with all these in mind, this one big question strike my heart like a punch... WHO IS WORSHIPPING GOD AT THIS MOMENT THEN? WHO AMONG THIS PEOPLE IS ACTUALLY LISTENING? I feel so bad, knowing that my mind was wondering around. Then God put his Words in my heart, reminding me that godliness is a so personal. Even though you go to the church every Sundays of your life, it will not count unless you truly worship him in the sanctuary and not missing the point of being in the church. Today, I would like to point out the main purposes of going to church:

First is to worship and be with God. "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." Exodus 20:8 Sundays is not the only day to worship God, we can worship him daily and anytime. However, God also set aside a day for us to rest with him. And this day should be specifically dedicated to him for worship.

Second is that we may find rest with God

"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made." Genesis 2:1-3

Most of us, work from weekdays to weekend and most of the time having difficulty finding time to pray and worship God. That is why God himself designated a day for us to rest and worship. Some worship on Saturdays, some on Sundays but whatever day it is, we must solely dedicate our time, heart and mind to God that we may find rest in him. God wants us to find rest in him.

Third is to fellowship with believers.

Another is that we may find encouragement and fellowship with believers. How sad to know that the world is not getting better and most would prefer to go to the mall, a party or even a coffee shop than to go to the church. They would rather sit and talk about an upcoming movie than to sit with believers.

How to be physically, mentally and spiritually present?

1. As much as possible, sleep early on Saturday so you will not be sleeping in the church.
2. If you need to do something, do it early on Saturday or set a schedule so that it will not be on your mind while you are in the church.
3. Before going to the church, confess your sins to God and pray that God will help you focus.
4. Concentrate on God's Word. To help you follow through the sermon, you can jot down notes to keep your mind from wandering. Avoid writing and drawing unnecessary things on the paper. This will also help you remember the sermons, in case you will forget.    
5. Wear something decent but comfortable.

Dear God,
     Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your unfailing love. I know that most of the time, I find myself thinking about something else and not focusing on your Words. I am sorry. Please help me that I may truly worship you and focus only on you while I am in the church. Please teach me how to set my heart and mind on you while listening to your Word. Help me be physically, mentally and spiritually present while I am in the church. I need you to help me in this area of my Christian life. Help me to become faithful. Thank you Lord. This is what I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.