Daily Dose of Heaven: March 2018


The Power of Jesus

"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."
1 Corinthians 15:22
     How wonderful it is to know that Jesus did it all. I can only imagine how difficult the process of atonement for the people of the Old Testament was. But thanks be to God our Father that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Yes, indeed! He paid it all! With his own precious blood on the cross of Calvary. Because of the blood Jesus that was shed on that cross, we are now made alive in Christ. For we have all died because of sin but thanks be to God that we can shout hallelujah. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ that we can be made alive. He paid it all once and for all. That is why all who believe can enjoy a perfect eternal home filled with happiness and no sorrow. This is the power of Jesus. This is the power of the lamb of God that took away the sin of the world. Amen.

                                                         Praise be to our God!


I Believe in Jesus

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."Romans 1:16

Confession of faith in Jesus Christ is the most important confession a person could ever make. For it is the confession that leads to eternal life. However, not everyone has a freedom to do so. Some non-Christian countries would not allow Christians to openly worship God and profess their faith in Jesus. And most Christians who live there, struggle to live their faith in God. Most of the time, they would worship in secret places. 
    On the other hand, there are some, despite the abundance of freedom of speech and religion, would not bother to confess their faith and even worse, is ashamed of the Gospel and would rather keep it to themselves. As Paul instructed, "we must not be ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God that bring salvation to everyone who believes." Salvation is for everyone. The Gospel must be spread all throughout the entire world. If we are living in a country that gives us the freedom to speak about faith and religion, we must use that opportunity to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At first, we may feel awkward or nervous but we must remember that Holy Spirit is with us and He will lead us and bring words in our mouth. Moreover, we must remember that it is not us who will change and save them but God. We are just vessels and instruments of his Gospel.

Pray first for the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.  

Dear God, 
     I am a sinner and I am not worthy of your love but thank you for your son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sin and for the sin of the world. Now, I want to spread the good news of salvation, but I am weak and I do not know what to do or say. Please help me and guide me. Put words in my mouth that I may speak of you and you only. Let me be a vessel of salvation to those who are lost. Open their hearts that they may receive you through me. This is what I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.