Daily Dose of Heaven: January 2018


I Call on the Lord in my Distress, and He Answers Me. Psalm 120:1

I was watching CSI this afternoon and it amuses me even now how quickly the authorities respond to a 911 call. They treat every situation with urgency and importance. They selflessly rescue everyone without even thinking that their lives could also be in danger. Even a kid at a very young age is already taught how to dial the number so in case of an emergency situation, he or she can be able to call for help. That is why here in the United States, whenever there is a car accident, a disaster or any kind of emergencies, 911 is the best number to call for it is the number set by the government to ensure that every citizen can get help whenever, wherever it is needed. However, not all emergencies can be taken care of this agency. There are urgent matters that only God can address. That is why God has also designated a lifeline for everyone to reach. Sadly, nowadays, even an adult doesn't even know how to use this God-given lifeline. Let's look at this verse closely: 

     "I call on the Lord in my distress and He answers me."

There are two things that I would like to share today: 

1. Acknowledgment of our trouble and weakness. As the psalmists says, "I call...in my distress". He accept the fact that he is in distress and like him, we must acknowledge our situation and see the need for help. Most of the time, we don't see the need for prayer so we don't pray. Our hearts are arrogant filled with sin and pride thinking that we can make it on our own so we feel like we do not need anyone not even God. But that's a big mistake. We need others and we especially need God. We need to confess our sins and tell God of what is troubling us.  

2. Acknowledgment of God's power. As the psalmist calls"...on the Lord...and He answers me." We must acknowledge the existence of God and the power of God in our lives. It doesn't matter how big or small your problem is, God can still help. God answers prayer and God always care. Notice that all the words in this verse are in the present form of the verb, which means God respond the same time we call. Like 911 24/7 emergency hotline, God prioritize every call and prayer that we have. He knows every cry is urgent and needs immediate attention and care. That is why we can pray anytime, anywhere and however you want it to be. What God wants is for us to call with sincere heart with faith that acknowledge his power over all our troubles and fear. Believe in his mighty power. Believe that God can do exceedingly what he has promise and that is to be faithfully listening and answering our prayers.   

Something to do: 
            Today, take some time to pause and pray. Let God know your needs. Let God know your situation. Call upon God in your distress and he will answer you and save you from all your troubles. May God bless you today!